Did you hate doing your schoolwork? Would you rather be doing 100 other things than spend time behind your books? Was schoolwork a source of conflict in your family when you grew up?

Attitudes are learned and developed over time. Children are not born with attitudes and parents can significantly influence the attitudes their children develop. You, as a parent, are in the ideal position to assist your child in developing a positive attitude towards knowledge in general and studies specifically.

You have to ask yourself what kind of intellectual model you are to your children. Are you an intellectually passive person who spends most of your time in front of the TV? Or are you somebody who displays problem-solving skills and enjoys intellectual challenges? Do your children see you using Google to find answers?

What is your attitude towards your own work? Do you actively model enthusiasm, conscientiousness, and job satisfaction, or do your children see an exhausted and disgruntled parent returning home late from work?

Children should associate their parents with problem-solving skills and the attributes to know more and to better understand, and these qualities should be visible to their children.

Parents’ strongest “ally” is the example they set by how pleasant and satisfying it is to possess and share knowledge. After all, positive feelings are powerful and provide strong motivation. And a positive study attitude brings its own rewards.

Your children should develop, over time, an underlying love for knowledge and an inquisitive mind that will last and benefit them for the rest of their lives. And nobody is better equipped than you as a parent to guide and accompany your children on this fulfilling journey. Do enjoy the ride together as a family!
